Unsurprisingly, The Van Gogh Museum Had to Cancel That Pokemon Card Promotion

It seems like every time we’ve written about a Pokemon promotion, we’ve done a follow-up like this where we report that the business doing the promotion had to cancel it after people went a little too far trying to get the product (usually to sell online).

And now, for the headline: The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam had to cancel its Pokemon card promotion after people went a little too far trying to get the product, which many are now selling online.

It’s a tale we’ve seen in McDonald’s restaurants, where people somehow even got their hands on boxes of cards before they were even opened by restaurant staff to sell online in bulk.

In Amsterdam, a promotion that the museum did to celebrate its 50th anniversary with the help of one of the world’s most beloved brands, ended with people physically fighting each other for the chance to get a special-edition card that painted Pikachu as Van Gogh in his self portrait featuring a gray felt hat.

The museum even took measures to make sure that people came to the museum to see the art, rather than just the promo items, by making people complete a “scavenger hunt” through the museum, which they could then show to staff for the card. Security cameras showed people going full Black Friday in the gift shop, too, trying to get other Pokemon-themed Van Gogh products.

It was enough that the museum pulled the plug on the whole thing, after admitting that the campaign was just a little too successful at drumming up enthusiasm.

“Recently, a small group of individuals has created an undesirable situation that has led us to take the difficult decision to remove the Pikachu with Grey Felt Hat promo card from the museum,” the museum said in a statement. “In this way, visitors will be able to experience this special collection of Pokemon paintings and the rest of the museum in a safe and enjoyable manner.”

Demand for a promo item is like a bell curve. You want it to be popular, but not too popular that it creates physical danger and has to be taken away.

Based on the museum’s FAQ, there is still other Pokemon-themed promotional items available, but the museum is already answering the question of “I booked a ticket to the museum, can I get a refund?” meaning people were coming to the museum just for the card.

It’s a shame, as any promotion that can get people to visit cultural centers like museums or music venues is a great thing, but this one ended up causing a little more harm than good.

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